Calming Public Speaking Anxiety

written by

Ines Yong

Calming Public Speaking Anxiety by Inès Yong


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Tick-tock, tick-tock. You look at the clock. It’s going to be your turn to take the leap. You’ve probably been training, rehearsing in front of your bathroom mirror, dreaming of this moment, and a few hours or even minutes before the marathon runner’s last sprint. You’re overwhelmed by an emotion that throws you off balance, by a fear that is crippling. You scatter, your hands sweaty, and your complexion slightly reddened. You are about to enter the arena like a gladiator in front of thousands of spectators (with the difference that you are not playing your life and not facing a lion). This feeling, unpleasant for some and exciting for others, this inner turmoil, this sudden externalization of the body is better known as stage fright.

Stage fright, or the fear of public speaking, is very common. Some experts estimate that as much as 77% of the population has anxiety regarding public speaking.

Stage fright is a form of fear. Fear is an emotion that causes a sudden reaction at the physical level and the psychic and behavioural levels.

In this episode, I will guide you with the “Tra-tac” exercise to manage your fear of public speaking. The goal is to fill yourself with positivity and release tension. This way, the body and mind can feel relaxed. So, instead of watching the clock ticking towards the moment you start your speech, this exercise will help you refocus and gain awareness of your concentration. You will do the exercise through three sequences of movement and mentally with the help of visualization. To guide your visualization, we will go on a journey to the most spectacular waterfalls on earth, the Iguazu Falls, somewhere between Argentina and Brazil.

Listen to this episode for:

  • releasing tension
  • relaxing the body and mind
  • deep concentration


I'm Inès


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