integrative Life coach | creator

You are your best thought partner

Explore within yourself and embark on a journey of repeating joy.

Simple, Honest & Sustainable

When you let your unconscious mind guide you, you can unlock possibilities and live a more sustainable and better life.

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Enabling with Your Inner Resources

Hi there! I’m Inès. I want to live my creative life on my terms and connect with the people I love. I want to help you to do the same.

Let me show you the journey to your inner self, true belonging, intuition, autonomy and values.

meet Inès Yong

Hi there! How can I help you?

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The Balanced Plan


Free Resources


5 Strategies for Stopping Mental Rumination (Overthinking)

Thinking about an unwanted situation and anticipating difficulties may seem like a normal thought process. Perceiving negative emotions is expected from these thoughts. But when our thoughts overwhelm us and take us away from reality, we enter into a spiral of rumination and anxiety. How do you recognise ruminating thoughts?

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Floral art and coaching combined

Don’t we all love flowers?! Bring your favourite flowers to a coaching session and be ready to have your eyes opened to some incredible insights.