Calming Driving Anxiety

written by

Ines Yong


Whether you are a new driver getting used to the road, or an experienced driver just dealing with the normal challenges of commuting, driving can be a daunting task sometimes. You may feel frustration or anxiety show up. But if you calm yourself beforehand, prepare for a relaxing drive, and handle your specific driving concerns, you can relax when you are driving.

For some, you may even have moments when your hands go sweaty, your heart rate becomes erratic and you get that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. You may find that your hands are clinched on the wheel, shoulders hunched, neck tight, and jaw tense.

The dynamic relaxation we are doing in this episode is one way that you can do and feel instantly relaxed before and during driving. With this exercise, controlled breathing slows your heart rate, lowers your blood pressure, and calms you overall being. You will visualise that the tension in your body is relieved and you can relax when driving.

To use this exercise with greater effectiveness, be conscious and focus your attention in the here and now. Channelling your thoughts to the calm and relaxation that this exercise brings you, means that your mind doesn’t have much room to think about anything upsetting.

Listen to this episode for:

  • feeling calm when driving
  • relaxing the arms and hands
  • channeling thoughts in the positive direction

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