Easing Heartache

written by

Ines Yong

Easing Heartache by Inès Yong


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A breakup, a separation, death of a loved one, always hurt. The pain can be so intense that it feels like it’s more physical than emotional.

A broken heart usually comes with sadness, crying spells, low morale, disappointment and anger. Everyone expresses their pain in the way they want to, whether it’s sweating it out at the gym, drowning in a tub of ice cream, or crying in the arms of their friends. Painful heartbreak can also lead to the release of stress-related hormones.

Heartbreak most often comes with physical feelings like nausea, a feeling of suffocation and a “tight heart” or a slowing of the heartbeat. It has a real impact on your heart.

I remember once a dear friend of mine told me that she was having a pain in her heart a couple of weeks after her dad passed away. She said that it felt literally like physical pain in her heart. She was grieving.

Nobody can tell you with any degree of certainty how long you will need to heal, but there are some ways you can make the process of mending a broken heart into a chance to learn more about your wants and needs.

In this episode, I’m going to guide in relieving the pain from heartache, separation or loss. Not only emotionally but also physically. This exercise is designed to help you stabilize your heart rate. You will do it physically, through a series of movements, and mentally with the help of visualization. To guide your visualisation, I will take you on a journey to the French Alps. To be more specific, to Annecy, which is about an hour’s drive from Mont Blanc. Annecy, situated by Lake Annecy, is a stunning town and is known as The Venice of France.

Listen to this episode for:

  • Stabilizing the heart rate
  • Releasing the feeling of suffocation or a “tight heart”
  • Feeling calm


I'm Inès


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