Pre-Game Calm

written by

Ines Yong

Pre-Game Calm by Inès Yong


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Every sportsman or woman has been afraid and nervous. That rush in your throat and difficulty breathing happens to all of us who worry that we will walk out onto the field and fail. And though we all know that nerves hurt our performance, the sensation continues to exist no matter how much we try to suppress it.

Fear is an emotion, an energy. Emotions drive our thoughts and actions. So, learn how to re-channel your energy, and the best way to do this is to ensure that you are calm and composed on the day of an important game.

Professional sportsmen and women use relaxation methods as part of their preparation routine.

In this episode, I’m sharing a method to become mentally prepared for a game or competition.

Listen to this episode for:

  • inspiring calm
  • improving your focus
  • Installing a preparation routine for a competition


I'm Inès


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