Get Energized

written by

Ines Yong

Get Energized by Inès Yong


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When I sometimes feel drowsy during the day, I would wish that I could hop onto my couch for a quick nap. But this is not always possible especially when I’m on the go, or if a nap just doesn’t work for me on that day. In this episode I’m going to show you the best way to refresh and recharge, sharpen your memory, and improve your thinking and focus; without actually taking a nap.

In this exercise, you will realise that you have the capacity to relax your body. You will fix your attention on each part of your body and let relaxation settle from head to toe. The best part about doing this exercise as your recharging toolkit is that you can just take a 15-minute break and do it in the comfort of your chair.

Listen to this episode for:

  • refreshing and recharging
  • sharpening your memory
  • improving your thinking and focus


I'm Inès


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